Kabschia Saxifrages |
Our 2013 Online Mail Order Catalog is now complete and ready for viewing with 333 plant listings at last count. Keep in mind that it is a dynamic list that is updated throughout the season. Local customers should also be aware that the number of plants we grow at the nursery is more than double the number in the online catalog. Some plants are simply too large to ship while others are available in numbers too few to list in the catalog.
Section Auricula Primulas |
The catalog includes a nice selection of alpine plants such as the
Kabschia dwarf cushion and silver saxifrages and
Section Auricula primulas. These plants are great in alpine gardens, in plunge beds and troughs, and also planted in tufa rock.
Lewisia columbiana |
Western native highlights include our largest selection ever offered of
Lewisia species and a variety of colorful Lewisia hybrids.
Penstemon davidsonii v menziesii |
We also have quite a number of species
Penstemons and
Heucheras in the catalog. Native plant lovers should be sure to take a look at these since they are quite different than what is generally found in garden centers.
Agave and Yucca container garden |
For dryland and container gardens, be sure to check out our nice selection of
Western Agaves. They make a very interesting display when grouped together. If you are interested in unusual succulents, be sure to take a look at the amazing
South African succulents. These plants are so unusual they must be seen to be believed.
Giant Jewel Plant, Aloinopsis malherbei |
Many of the woodland plants that we offer are shipped mainly in early and late season. These include the highly prized
Himalayan Blue Poppy, several species of
Lilies and
Trillium, and one of our most popular plants, the reliably hardy shade ginger,
Cautleya species.
Cautleya sp. |
We will be adding a number of new plants to the catalog during late winter so be sure to check back at that time. And, yes, if you place an early order and then order more plants prior to shipping, we will combine your orders and adjust the shipping charges accordingly!
Lilium pardalinum ssp shastense |