Viola adunca, Early Blue Violet |
We have finally, finally gotten a little welcome sunshine. We can see the flowering plants in the nursery and gardens respond within hours to the extra light and warmth. Of course, weeds do too but we won’t think about that right now. It is such a busy time in the nursery that they will just have to wait.
Tulipa 'Little Beauty' loves a sunny day |
There isn’t even enough time to write a proper blog but I’d like to share a few recent plant photos.
Narcissus bulbocodium conspicuus, the Hoop Petticoat Daffodil |
The Oregon Iris, Iris tenax |
The Pacific Coast Irises are beginning their flowering period and I expect some great flowers in the coming weeks. I hope to devote an entire blog to this topic in early May.
Our first glimpse of the flower on one of our Pacific Coast Hybrid seedlings